Sunday, January 23, 2011

Potato and Leek Soup

     After a good week of visiting with the members of both the Southern Valley Health Watch and the Richland County Extension Service, it was time for a treat – Potato and Leek Soup.

Soup, Boiled Cabbage, Smoked Pork Chop, & Homemade Wine

     There are several recipes online.  I picked one that was pretty simple and made my own adjustments from there.  It really is easy to make and well worth the effort.  The only thing better would have been fresh, homegrown ingredients.  Next season, all of the vegetables will be on my list to grow.  (Keep in mind that I made half the recipe at the bottom of the post, so you will have more than I did when you are done.)

     Start by cutting the potatoes and carrots in small pieces, about ¼ inch cubes.  Place these pieces in a pot of water and boil them until they are only slightly firm when poked with a fork.  In another pan, sauté the chopped leeks and onion in some butter until they are softened.

Chopped Carrots

Sauted Leeks and Onion

     Drain the potatoes and carrots then add them to the leeks and onion with the broth.  Allow the mixture to start to simmer and add the cream.  Cook very slowly until warm – about 15 minutes.  Add the herbs, and pepper near the end.

Cooked Potatoes & Carrots and Broth with Leeks and Onion
Almost done, just adding the herbs

     This recipe might be good with some sausage bits.  While sautéing the onions and leeks, add the sausage to brown it slightly.

Potato and Leek Soup

2              Large Potatoes
4-5          Carrots
2              Leeks, chopped
1              Small Onion, chopped
3 Tblsp. Butter
3 cups   Broth (Vegetable, Chicken, Pork)
2 cups   Heavy Cream
Salt, Black Pepper, & Herbs to taste (Thyme, Parsley)


1 comment:

  1. Going to have to try the Potato and Leek Soup recipe!!! Sounds absolutely wonderful!

    Thanks for the great food this past weekend!

    Love YOU! MOM
